Remove harsh chemicals from your home and the environment
Made specifically with you in mind, our line of Sgreen® Eco-Friendlier™ chemicals ensures that your health (and the earth's) no longer have to take backseat to getting the job done. Sgreen's citrus and iodine powered formulas break the standard, giving you a green chemical that is better than even your nastiest cleaners.
Sgreen Chemistry
Better Care for Your Screens, Better Care For Yourself.
On press
An eco-friendly water based pallet adhesive, designed to be used as an alternative to conventional aerosol spray mist. Used in concentrate or diluted form, Sgreen® Adhesive creates a secure non-permanent bond between the substrate and pallet during screen printing, while allowing for easy removal without leaving residue.
In the darkroom
In the darkroom, you’ll find the majority of the chemicals screen printers use. This is the area where printers can make the biggest difference for their health and the environment.
Sgreen® chemistry kicks dangerous chemicals to the curb. Being environmentally-safe, non-hazardous, biodegradable, phosphate free, and citrus smelling, the Sgreen® chemicals are nontoxic yet tough to clean up your biggest messes.